Social Media

Ryanair has garnered mainstream media attention with its tongue-in-cheek social media presence, proving that commercial companies can still succeed when dropping corporate tones from their marketing.

Noticing that TikTok has been a rising star over the past year, the airline has utilised capitalised on this by hopping on quick trends that garner the views of millions.

With effective strategies such as engaging with other companies and relatable and shareable content – which is humorous and original – Ryanair is building upon its identity and becoming one of Gen Z’s favourite accounts.

Relatability is one of the longest and largest trends on social media; users want to feel connected and understood by others.

Ryanair uses elements such as slang and current cultural references in their posts, which creates casual vibes that garner loyalty from users.

The airline uses trending sounds and filters to advertise the brand by sharing relatable issues that its customers will have encountered, such as struggling to fit bags in overhead storage.

Image source: TikTok

Even this recognition of the struggles people face using the airline, which many companies would purposefully ignore, is humoured and shows that the brand is down to Earth and able to connect with its customers.

Companies distancing themselves from their traditional corporate exterior creates personality and allow customers to recognise the company as humans underneath a company name, which makes the brand more approachable and favoured by its customers.

Whilst some businesses would view TikTok as an unrewarding risk, Ryanair has stuck with it and built a 1.7 million strong community of young followers.

Not only has Ryanair shown that marketing doesn’t have to be dull, but it also reached a younger generation, broadening its demographic.

With the budget airline being most popular with 18-25-year-olds, social media is a crucial marketing platform to target these digital natives.

Such marketing might have worked out well for Ryanair, but the same cannot be guaranteed for companies who have an older target demographic or more luxury brands who perhaps wouldn’t want to exude relatability to their audience.

However, it is safe to say that Ryanair has accumulated an online army of fans and followers eager to see the brand comment on internet happenings.

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