Social Media

Social media is an essential tool to stay connected, promote your brand and engage with your audience. Whilst the online world is necessary to grow and develop new connections, scrolling, creating content and being consistent can be overwhelming. On Blue Monday, both the real and online settings can seem dark, dull and mentally tiring if you already have a lot on your plate.

Therefore, it’s important to navigate the social world in a mindful manner to improve your overall experience and be more productive offline.

Here are some simple ways you can use social media mindfully and show Blue Monday who’s boss.

Track Your Time Online

As a business that wants to succeed, having a strong online presence is crucial to keep your community updated and engaged with your brand. Daily engagements, regular content and building connections can often take up a lot of time in the day, so consider setting yourself some time to log off. You don’t have to be connected 24/7 so don’t feel guilty if you need to step away and clear your head!

Follow Friendly Faces

Social media is a community experience: Content that is shared is created by other users and we grow our following through connecting with other accounts. Our experiences are shaped by whom we choose to follow and the posts we engage with, so liking positive posts and scrolling through inspiring tweets will not only create an upbeat online environment but will improve your brand’s social media output.

Post Sensibly

What you choose to post on social media is entirely up to you, but when posting on behalf of your business it is your responsibility to reflect your vision, values and morals. Ask yourself, would you want potential customers to read this post? If you’re feeling unsure about an image, comment or tweet, get a trusted colleague to have a scan through and advise you on any changes you should make.

If you’re unsure about what to post, look at what some of your competitors are posting for inspiration, or check up on the latest social media trends and brainstorm a way to stand out amongst the crowd.

Using social media mindfully is easier said than done, which is why it takes time and practice to include it in your working day. It’s important for businesses to consider as a form of self-care, to protect mental health and in turn lead to the production of even greater content.

If you have any tips on staying mindful that you would like to share, then get in touch!

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