Facebook Groups or Facebook Pages? What’s the difference between the two and which is best suited for promoting your business? We give a quick and easy overview.
Facebook Pages
As Facebook puts it, “Facebook Pages enable public figures, businesses, and other entities to create an authentic and public presence on Facebook.” Only official brand representatives can create a Facebook Page for that business.
A Facebook Business Page allows you to publically share news about your business with your customers and community. You’ll also need a page if you want to promote your services with paid Facebook advertising.
Facebook Groups
Groups, on the other hand, “allow people to come together around a common cause, issue or activity to organize, express objectives, discuss issues, post photos and share related content.”
Anyone can create a group. That means that even if you have not created a Facebook group yourself, there might already be a group related to your brand. For example, we set up a group called Social Media & Marketing Support. This group is for anyone who wants to learn more about social media or marketing. (Feel free to join!).
Groups are usually set to private so group members can chat together without the public seeing the conversations. If groups related to your business already exist, you should get involved to keep an eye on the conversation. In this way, you can learn from what people are saying about you, and help provide the brand’s perspective.
A Facebook Group is a fantastic way to keep your biggest fans engaged and loyal. This is because it gives them a forum to discuss topics related to your business as well as keep in touch with other regular customers. It’s a brilliant way to strengthen their relationship with your brand.
To search for a group, simply log in to your Facebook account and use the search box at the top of the page.
We work with clients across Yorkshire providing expert marketing and social media support. This includes training and management services. If you need support with Facebook Groups please get in touch with the team at Pick & Mix Marketing on – info@pickandmixms.co.uk
Why not find out about our bespoke training sessions? We could set one up to help you with starting up a Facebook Group or Page.