My Day: Jess Valenghi
- Role: Marketing Account Manager
- Likes: Travelling and exploring new places, live music, getting muddy at festivals and my biggest love…. cheese and wine!
- Dislikes: Traffic jams, early mornings and people that dawdle!
- Favourite thing about the job: Watching businesses succeed and helping to be a part of it!
Diary entries:
7.30 I’m not the best morning person so the alarm goes off…and the snooze button is pressed! (Luckily, I only have a short cycle ride to work so that’s always a bonus!)
8:00 Grab a quick breakfast and glass of water and lemon, this always helps wake me up and invigorate me before donning the ever-fashionable cycle helmet and hitting the road.
8:45 Arrive at work, catch up on emails and get my priorities in line for the day ahead, with a coffee.
9.30 It’s time for a team meeting, we take ourselves away from our desks to clear our heads and have a good catch up on all our pressing client work and throw around some brainstorming suggestions for social media content for the coming month. The whole team brings something different to the table so this is a great time for us to get together and really thrash out some ideas to make sure we are always doing the best job possible for each and every one of our clients. It’s also a great way to raise any issues that we may be having on specific projects.
10.30 I get stuck into a social media strategy I’m putting together for a hospitality client, I love these types of projects which I can really get my teeth into. Identifying their key customers and competitor’s strategies allows me to highlight some realistic objectives for their social marketing plan and put in place measures across both their business platforms and Google Analytics accounts and provide recommendations on the type of content and advertisements they should use going forward to enable them to reach their goals.
13:30 Lunchtime is calling and a break from strategy work to refresh my thoughts, I take myself off for a quick walk down by the river and have a salad before heading back to the office.
14:00 I have a scheduled Skype call with a client in the leisure industry about their on-going work and the progression of the marketing support we are providing. We discuss the successes and failures of the past month across their website analytics, social media and incoming enquiries generated and I provide recommendations for the month ahead. I prefer face to face meetings but sometimes due to schedules and the location of some of our clients Skype is an easy way to fit in a catch up without taking them away from their business for too long, and me away from the office!
15:30 Now it’s time to work on some content for August’s social media. This client’s content is focused on raising brand awareness locally as they have recently launched their new restaurant business and want to attract locals and tourists to visit them to take advantage of their weekly offering. I focus the content on a mixture of engagement posts, a competition and their key messages and make sure they are scheduled at the best time to reach their target market. This gets my creative juices flowing and a blog idea comes to mind, I plan to work on that tomorrow for them!
16:45 An incoming enquiry comes in over the phone so I plan in an initial meeting to meet with them to discuss their requirements in more detail next week and take some details so I can do some pre-meeting prep beforehand. It sounds like a great project and gives me a buzz of excitement to finish a busy day!
17:00 Home time, a quick 10-minute cycle means any road rage is kept at bay!
18:30 Tonight’s a night for networking so I head out to meet the group and “talk business” for a couple of hours. It’s a nice evening and pretty laid back so I get chatting to some new people and swap information to keep our name in the game before heading back home.
21:00 A final daily check of our client’s social media pages for any urgent enquiries or messages and a sneaky check of my emails before it’s time to switch my work phone off and unwind for the evening…annnnd relax!
If you would like to get in touch with Jess to discuss how she can help you with your marketing please email or call the office on 01904 863511.