Team NewsA_Day_In_The_Life_Of_Sally_pick_&_mix_marketing

My Day: Sally Parker


  • Role: Managing Director
  • Likes: Horses, Yorkshire Tea, House Music, Mojitos, Spending time with Friends Family and Crisps (any size, flavour or shape just lots of crisps!)
  • Dislikes: Traffic jams, being hungry and rude people.
  • Favourite thing about the job: Having a wonderful team who are just amazing, and working with brilliant clients of course!

Diary entries:


6.00am The alarm goes and I’m out of bed and dressed for the gym. It’s then time for a quick breakfast before I set off at 6.30am for a gym session. I prefer to go in the morning and miss the rush hour traffic.


8.30am After a good workout I’m at my desk with a cuppa and it’s time to catch up on emails and the local news. I always check out the York Press so I’m up to date with the local business news.


8.45am The team arrive and it’s time for a catch up and usually a giggle at someone’s funny stories from the weekend or night before.


9.00am Usually it’s content writing, a client meeting or working on a client project which may be an email campaign, SMS campaign, website content, website updates, social media strategy or even a marketing strategy. I like to get stuck into a piece of work for a couple of hours. Or if it’s a Tuesday we head off for our team meeting which usually involves sweets, tea, coffee and often cakes too! During our meeting, we make time to discuss what’s hot and what’s not in the world of marketing and social media. We share and celebrate success stories and brainstorm ideas for future content and campaigns. We consider business performance and agree dates for training, meetings, or tasks to be completed. I feel it’s important to give the team a chance to get together and share all things good and not so good. We operate an open culture here at Pick & Mix Marketing and the meetings give individuals the opportunity to chat through anything on their minds.


12noon I will check the business accounts, pay any suppliers, arrange invoices and ensure all our finances are up to date. I may also have work to do on the team’s training/develop plans or company business plan so I will take the time to do this.


12.30pm It’s lunch time! I often bring a salad from home, if not I may pull my trainers on and head to the local shop to pick something up.


13.00pm One of the things I love the most about my job is the variety that every day brings, I may have client phone calls, meetings, a social media or marketing strategy to work on, networking event or social media content to write or perhaps a team member’s 1:1.


15:00pm Time to analyse Pick & Mix Marketing’s own marketing performance, one of the team usually help me to complete a marketing dashboard which we meet to discuss and compare performance to previous months, analysing the number of enquiries, number of current clients, revenue and general performance. As a team we will then create the plan for the following month. For this we will discuss and agree website updated, blog and social media content and any other marketing activity, along with all confirmed delivery deadlines.


16.00pm I have a social media training session tomorrow so I take time to plan my session and research our client’s competitors and see their online and social media performance. I prepare the slides and workshop notes and set up our training room ahead of the session.


17:00pm Home time, this can either be a time when I’m singing along in my car to something on the radio or feeling a bit fed up stuck in traffic. Either way I usually get home for around 6pm.


18.00pm Me and Tom may head off for a walk before tea of relax and have a chat or head out and catch up with friends of family. We are both foodies so there will always be something delicious being cooked up for dinner.


20.00pm A final check of client’s social media profiles, check of emails, finishing touches to client work or preparation for the next day and then I can shut my laptop for the day.


21:00pm A brew and biscuit is now calling along with the sofa and a chance to chill and relax with Tom.


22.00pm Alarm set for another day and zzzzzzzzzz!


If you would like to get in touch with Sally to discuss how she can help you with your marketing please email or call the office on 01904 863511.