
Team day out at Smarter Business Tech Live

  From virtual reality talks to SEO lessons from Google, our day in Manchester at Smarter Business Tech Live in November included a variety of topics and learning curves, all of which have become very beneficial to our day to day tasks.   We all know the world of digital marketing can change daily, hourly…


Pick and Mix Marketing is 6!

Happy Birthday to us, Happy Birthday to us……   Pick & Mix Marketing is this week celebrating its sixth birthday! And what a fantastic journey it’s been since Sally, the founder started out on her own. Sally started Pick & Mix Marketing alone in 2011 from a desk at home, now with an office and…


A day in the life of: Sally Parker

My Day: Sally Parker   Role: Managing Director Likes: Horses, Yorkshire Tea, House Music, Mojitos, Spending time with Friends Family and Crisps (any size, flavour or shape just lots of crisps!) Dislikes: Traffic jams, being hungry and rude people. Favourite thing about the job: Having a wonderful team who are just amazing, and working with brilliant…


A day in the life of: Jessica Valenghi

My Day: Jess Valenghi   Role: Marketing Account Manager Likes: Travelling and exploring new places, live music, getting muddy at festivals and my biggest love…. cheese and wine! Dislikes: Traffic jams, early mornings and people that dawdle! Favourite thing about the job: Watching businesses succeed and helping to be a part of it!   Diary…