Twitter now has over 335 million monthly active users, so you can see how some businesses are harnessing this to gain real results for their business. However, with all these users you may be wondering how your brand can stand out to be seen amongst such big numbers?
Many brands are creating and posting content up to 20 times per day, but, they never interact with other users, they just post out tweet after tweet – would this entice you to communicate with this brand?
More than likely the answer will be no and ultimately their power-tweeting and auto-scheduling bombardment will lead you to unfollow these particular businesses. The problem is they aren’t engaging with you as a person or as a business and therefore their messages are lost on you. It is important to look at other ways in which you can harness the power of Twitter and use it to build a quality audience, increase followers and engage with your customers.
Engagement and interaction are key elements to a good twitter strategy – yes, it takes time, however it may well lead to you having a direct conversation with an industry influencer, key customer or supplier which in turn could lead to a new level of social contact.
In this post we will discuss what Twitter engagement is, how you can use this to develop your twitter profile and how you can measure the success of it.
What Is Twitter Engagement?
Twitter Engagement can mean a number of actions that a user makes on twitter when they engage or interact with a tweet you have posted out. These can include –
- Retweeting – this is when a user/you share a tweet with followers
- Favourites – this is when a user/you hit the heart symbol which shows they/you like the content that has been posted which then is also shown on your profile under “Likes”
- Replying to a tweet – this is when a user/you directly responded to another Twitter user, generating conversation
- Mentioning – this is when a user/you have been mentioned by another Twitter user in a conversation to which you can reply to
- Clicking your link (CTR) – this is when a user/you have clicked on a link in a tweet that takes you to a website
- Trending Hashtags – these show up down the left hand side of your profile and can be used to engage with relevant hashtags that are then seen by all the users engaging with this as well
How can you use Twitter Engagement to develop your profile?
Twitter engagement will help to build a relationship between your brand and potential customers, suppliers and influencers. If you’re communicating with them and they’re interacting with your content, they’re interested, and they might also share it. Sharing content is very powerful, if for example two of your followers share the content there may well be another 2,000 people who have seen your brand and the tweet posted. They may well then also click on your website link in your bio and visit your website increasing your visitors, potential leads and sales.
#TwitterHours – Twitter hours are a brilliant way of interacting with other users within a geographical area for example #Yorkhour or a particular subject or interest area for example #Equinehour or #Weddinghour. They can be extremely useful in helping reach out to other users and increase visibility of your business. Here is a useful link with a list of all the hours that are on twitter –—The-hashtags-you-need-to-know/
Please check by searching for the hashtag before you start tweeting to ensure it is still taking place and make sure you become confident with the type of content being posted. We would recommend introducing yourself and business the first time you interact with the hour to let people know what you do and how you can help them and encourage the hour hosts to share your posts and introduce you to the rest of the audience.
Twitter engagement can drive results; in many campaigns, the engagement can even be seen as the results.
How to Measure Twitter Performance
Twitter Analytics can be used to provide most of the reporting that you will need to make a judgement on your twitter performance. You can find your analytics by clicking on your profile picture in the right-hand corner and clicking “Analytics” in the drop down.
Under Twitter’s Analytics you can find out the following –
- Number of impressions over a 28 day period
- Your engagement rate over a 28 day period (which divides your number of engagement by your impressions)
- Which of your tweets got the most engagement, how much engagement they got, and what their engagement rate was
- What types of engagement you’re getting (you can find this by clicking on specific tweets)
- Your average number of link clicks, retweets, likes, and replies per day
- The number of video views your videos have had
- Conversion tracking of Twitter Advertisements, which will track engagement and responses
When measuring engagement on Twitter, you want to look at all types of engagement separately and see how users are engaging, because how they’re engaging matters just as much. If your content is getting a lot of likes but not a lot of clicks or shares, that’s something you’ll want to know.
Although Twitter is free it will require time and dedication to gain results and you will need to find the best strategy for your business through trial and error. If you need help with Twitter or Twitter Analytics, please get in touch on 01904 863511 or email
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