Team Newsuk-blog-awards-pick-and-mix-marketing

We’ve just heard that we’ve been accepted into the UK Blog Awards. We’re excited to see if we can get to the finals and possibly win an award at the UK Blog Awards event.

uk blog awards

We’ve entered the Pick & Mix Marketing Blog into the UK Blog Awards 2018 for the following categories:
PR, Digital Media, Marketing and Communications

The initial results are all based on votes, this is where we need YOUR help! If you love reading our blog and have found the posts useful please spare a few moments and vote for us here – Vote Now. 

The UK Blog Awards are not just another Awards evening, but the chance to be acknowledged and recognised as true knowledge providers within our industry and it would be fantastic to gain recognition for our blog.

Please share and include the hashtag #UKBA18 which is the specific hashtag for the awards ceremony.