Social Media Updates

Social media is constantly evolving, with new updates flying onto platforms every day, the user experience has never been so exciting. We have repeatedly mentioned that video content will be a focus in 2022, which we have seen in previous months. In March, social media platforms are finding ways to support creators and encourage them to stick around, with sites such as Twitter and Instagram implementing new monetisation tools. 

March has seen a variety of new updates that only puts social media further in the spotlight for businesses to use as a tool to promote their brand.

Here are the top social media updates in March so far:



Live Stream Moderators

Whilst live streaming can be beneficial to content creators and businesses, it can also attract unwanted viewers, including trolls who may want to heckle for the sake of it. To tackle this problem, Instagram has added a new feature that allows streamers to assign moderators, which allows mods to report comments, remove viewers, and turn off comments for specific viewers.

Credit to contributors

With collaborations growing increasingly important within the social media sphere, Instagram has added a new feature that allows creators to easily tag collaborators and other influencers within images. These tags are based on specific contributions, as opposed to a basic username or product, with profile categories displayed within the tag itself.

This simple update could provide new opportunities for businesses collaborating online, allowing smaller brands to reach new audiences, and be credited for relevant work.

Integrated Boomerang and Hyperlapse Tools

Following the success of tools such as Boomerang and Hyperlapse, Instagram has recently removed these separate applications from the App Store and Google Play Store. This indicates that the platform is seeking to simplify and streamline functions, which is not a huge surprise considering how popular these features are to users.



Creator Dashboard

The platform is seeking to introduce new ways for creators to earn money through the platform to keep them active and encourage them to stay on the app. Recently, Twitter launched a new Creator Dashboard element that allows creators to track the money they are earning through Twitter, view ticket sales for ticketed spaces, and track Super Follow subscriptions.

Podcast Tab Coming Soon


Spaces allow users to get together on Twitter and take part in live audio conversations. Whilst this feature continues to be developed, the platform is starting to turn its focus to podcasts, and is set to provide a dedicated tab, which will likely allow podcasters to share direct links within the app.

If successful, this feature will encourage engagement and discovery for content creators.



Trend Tracking

On LinkedIn, it’s important to stay up to date with the latest industry trends, which can help shape content and understand what your audience is looking for. This month, the platform launched a new ‘Future of Skills’ interactive tool, which enables users to delve into the latest skills trends for a variety of job roles. This provides more insight into what employers are searching for, and what people are listing on their LinkedIn profiles for each position.



‘SoundOn’ to Support Independent Musicians

To help boost the presence of unsigned musicians, TikTok has announced a new initiative called SoundOn, which will allow any musicians to upload and license their tracks for use on the platform and its partner music streaming platform Resso.


In a statement, TikTok said:

“[SoundOn] allows artists to upload their music directly to TikTok and begin earning royalties, when that music is used. SoundOn pays out 100% royalties to music creators in the first year and 90% after that, and provides a range of promotional tools and support.”


Whilst we are yet to see any major updates from Facebook, it is clear that social media giants are continuing to develop their platforms to improve the user experience and maintain their current audience. Through incentives such as monetisation and increased discoverability, the focus on creators and their content continues to grow.

Have we missed anything? Get in touch and let us know!


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