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The nights are getting lighter, the flowers are blooming and there’s a warmness to air. It must be spring! Traditionally the time to freshen up your living space, we at Pick & Mix Marketing think it’s about time to get your social media spruced up. Read on for our top tips.

Declutter your LinkedIn connections

You know the exhilarating feeling you get from having a really good sort out?  That can come from cleaning up your friends lists and connections too!

If you’ve been on LinkedIn for a few years now, the chances are your network is looking pretty stale. How helpful are all those old school mates you’re still connected to? Do you really need to see all the posts from that one guy you met at a conference back in 2009? Declutter leaving only those connections who are relevant and add value to your business or personal growth.

If people in your network produce really engaging content or you think they could be new business leads, great. If they are simply clogging up the feed, save yourself time and energy by clicking remove. Worried you’ll change your mind? You can always add them again if your situation shifts.


Plant new seeds for growth

While you’re cleaning out your connections, it’s important not to get so carried away that you’re left with few followers. Replenish your audience by attracting new page likes and post shares.

One of the best ways to do this is to engage regularly with the kinds of people you think might be interested in your offering. See a photo on Facebook that’s relevant? Comment using your company page to guarantee some exposure. Spot an Instagram hashtag that your audience love to include? Place it in your own content so you stay on their radar.

Sowing the seeds (or leads!!) for new business is an easy but vital way to breathe new life into your social media channels.

Freshen up your graphics

Alright, come clean. How many times have you used a tired old stock image or a pixelated logo on social media? Your followers will instantly be turning their nose up if your imagery is not professional, exciting and worthy of sharing.

Quite often, this can be easily fixed by taking some up to date photographs or having a designer create some fresh graphics. It may be the case though that you need to invest in some neat new branding. We can recommend some great creatives if you’re not sure where to start.

Once you’ve got your graphics, why not try creating a themed campaign? Consistent posting and complete unification across all the marketing channels you use will familiarize your client base with your spruced-up new look.



Tidy up your bios

Once your followers see your fresh content, they’ll be heading straight to your profile for more info. Don’t let them down by having a broken link or outdated phone number. You’ll be flushing new business straight down the drain! Take a couple of minutes to check all of your listed contact details.

If your company description needs a clean, ask yourself these simple questions: Why should your prospective clients buy from you? What can you offer them? How can they get in touch with you? If you’re missing any of those answers or have lots of surplus information, it might be time to type up your bios again.

While you’re at it, make sure that your website homepage is looking tidy. This will be the first page that online followers reach after your profile so it should be sparkling if you want to impress them.




At Pick & Mix we are always excited to help clients freshen up their profiles and spruce up their social media content. If you think we can sort you out, why not get in touch? Email us on



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