York Mystery Plays

York Mystery Plays

Raising brand awareness of the 20th year, crowdfunding and selling tickets!



The York Mystery Plays celebrated their 20th year of performances this year. The original York Mystery Plays re-create the original wagon plays throughout the streets of York putting on a theatrical performance of the Bible stories. This year the team behind the Plays approached Pick & Mix Marketing to support with the promotion of the Plays, to engage an audience and support with both raising funds for the Plays to be a success and getting people to buy tickets.


The project began with the creation of a new, up to date, mobile responsive website. This meant the process of buying tickets was made even more accessible for people. Once the site was complete, we used social media, PR, blogging and emails to run a campaign that went through stages from Launch > Reach > Sell.

During the year-long campaign the York Festival Trust was hit by the unexpected news that they wouldn’t be receiving the funding required from the Arts Council to make the Plays a success. We therefore researched other avenues and decided on running a Crowdfunding campaign along with gaining sponsorship from local businesses. The Crowdfunding campaign ran for 6 weeks and we hit the target through promotion across social media, through email campaigns and by gaining PR coverage in print, online, on the radio and on TV.


  • Successful re-creation of mobile responsive website
  • Established a social media following across multiple platforms of engaged fans
  • Generated a month on month increase in website traffic
  • Built email database month on month
  • Successful running of crowdfunding campaign – target hit
  • PR coverage gained in print, online, on the radio and on TV
  • Generated ticket sales with sell out events


“Pick & Mix Marketing did a great job on the campaign for the York Mystery Plays 2018. It took some hard work, but with the team’s help we overcame some huge obstacles to make the 20th year a great success! We would recommend Pick & Mix Marketing to anyone looking for support with their marketing from a proactive, hard working team of marketing experts!”

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